Raspberry tea – benefits and harms, recipes
There is no need to talk about how useful raspberry tea is. Everyone from childhood is familiar with its taste and aroma. This unique drink effectively fights colds and other diseases, and can even replace antibacterial drugs. Raspberry tea is prepared not only from berries. The leaves and twigs of the plant also have medicinal properties.
Useful properties of raspberries
The benefits of raspberry tea are due to the unique composition of this plant. It contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, salicylates and phytoncides. Unlike herbal teas, which are sold in pharmacies, home-made raspberry tea is a completely natural remedy that does not contain dyes and flavors.
Raspberry tea has the following beneficial properties:
- helps to strengthen the immune system and fights colds, flu and other viral
- infections;
- beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system;
- normalizes the heart rhythm;
- removes toxins and excess fluid from the body;
- has an antipyretic effect;
- used as an expectorant;
- beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system;
- stimulates appetite;
- fights with excess weight;
- promotes rapid healing of wounds;
- relieves diarrhea;
- the use of tea with raspberries is indicated for hemorrhoids;
- has a hemostatic property;
- soothes and fights depression;
- used in the treatment of stomatitis and conjunctivitis;
- reduces the intensity of menstrual pain and relieves premenstrual syndrome;
- stimulates conception;
- has anti-inflammatory properties;
- stimulates mental activity;
- relieves physical stress;
- fights anemia;
- has anti-edematous action;
- is a natural antibiotic;
- has a diaphoretic effect;
- raspberry leaf tea is used in cosmetology, to give the skin smoothness and elasticity.
Despite the fact that raspberry tea has a lot of positive characteristics, the drink also has contraindications that you should pay attention to before drinking it.
Raspberry tea is not recommended for those people who have disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and the digestive system. Since this berry can become an allergen, expectant mothers are not recommended to drink a drink from it until the 32nd week of pregnancy. This can not only provoke the development of allergies in the baby, but also cause premature birth.
If you drink tea along with painkillers and antipyretics, you may experience signs of an overdose, which include: nausea, dizziness, profuse sweating, pain in the stomach and tinnitus.
Other contraindications include :
- individual intolerance to raspberries;
- increased acidity of gastric juice;
- gout;
- asthma;
- constipation.
For colds and fever
Doctors regularly recommend drinking raspberry tea with a viral infection. This drink helps to remove toxins from the body and make up for the lack of vitamins in the body. Is it possible to have raspberry tea at a high temperature? Yes, due to the fact that it promotes sweating, the fever gradually subsides. This drink is recommended to drink at temperatures above 38 degrees.
Raspberry tea is considered absolutely safe even for babies. The only exceptions are children with individual intolerance to these berries.
To brew raspberry tea for colds, you can use not only berries. Other parts of this plant (twigs, leaves) are no less useful. Additionally, other medicinal plants can be used. Tea made from currant and raspberry leaves has a good effect. Its benefits and harms were known even to our ancestors.
Raspberries for colds and coughs are recommended to be brewed together with linden flowers, oregano and other medicinal herbs.
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Women during pregnancy are very susceptible to viral diseases, while treatment with antibacterial drugs at this time is contraindicated for them. Therefore, during pregnancy, raspberry tea becomes a real salvation for expectant mothers, which is used during a cold, with a significant increase in body temperature and cough.
Raspberry tea helps to get rid of nausea in the early stages. Due to the fact that this berry contains a lot of folic acid, a drink with it contributes to the proper development of the fetus. And a pregnant woman who regularly consumes raspberry tea saturates her body with essential vitamins and microelements.
Raspberries are an allergen, so during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should not abuse such a drink. But you don’t need to give up a drink made from raspberry leaves during pregnancy, because this natural drink is much safer than pills.
cooking recipes
In order for raspberry tea to be as effective as possible, it must be prepared correctly. The recipe for preparation depends on the purpose for which the drink is used. For example, during a cold, tea with raspberries and lemon will be effective. And with nervous strain or a disease of the digestive tract, you can make tea with raspberries and mint.
Tea with raspberry jam
This drink is the easiest to make. To make tea with raspberry jam, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of jam with a glass of hot water (not boiling water), mix and drink after cooling. Additionally, you can put a slice of lemon in it.
Raspberry leaf tea
You can prepare a healthy drink not only from the berries of the plant. Tea from raspberry branches and its leaves is no less effective. How to brew raspberry leaves to get the maximum healing effect?
You can harvest raspberry leaves for the winter from the moment they appear until the first berries appear on the bush. It is better to do this in the morning, after the dew has come off the bushes. Dry them out of the sun.
Raspberry leaf tea is good for fever and sore throat. To brew raspberry leaves properly, they need to be crushed. 2 tablespoons pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes to infuse under the lid.
Tea from raspberry branches has an astringent effect and is prescribed for digestive disorders. If you prepare a healing decoction of raspberry leaves along with sprigs, the drink will help cleanse the body of toxins and increase the body’s defenses.
Raspberry tea
In the event that you plan to prepare a drink from frozen raspberries, they must be kept at room temperature until thawed. One tablespoon of berries is poured into a glass of hot water and infused for 20 minutes. Additionally, you can add a slice of lemon or natural honey to taste here.
To make tea with dried raspberries, a handful of berries is poured into a glass of hot water and aged in a water bath for about 5-10 minutes.