What is jasmine green tea? This is a delicious, fragrant, healing drink, obtained on the basis of young medium-sized half-blown tea leaves and buds, mixed with dry jasmine flowers.
Jasmine green tea is an excellent drink made from the dried leaves of the tea plant with the addition of jasmine flowers. It is thanks to the jasmine inflorescences that this tea stands out for its bright aroma and pleasant taste. Jasmine is an aphrodisiac, its incredible healing power was first noticed by the Chinese.
It was in China that they began to add dry petals of this fragrant plant to tea. It is believed that jasmine helps to increase stamina for men, to reveal their sensuality to women. The most popular type of jasmine drink is green tea.
Description of jasmine green tea
Jasmine is an evergreen shrub that grows in Asia Minor, India, the mountainous provinces of China, the plant blooms from spring to late autumn. When asked when to collect jasmine for tea, the answer is – in the summer. In summer, the petals of inflorescences are much more fragrant and tender than in autumn. The collected flowers are carefully laid out and dried evenly. After the drying process is completed, the process of flavoring tea leaves begins, which can occur in two ways.
In the first case, green tea and dry jasmine inflorescences are subjected to heat treatment throughout the day, which negatively affects the taste of tea and its beneficial properties, since this process destroys most of the substances and vitamins. With another method of aromatization, jasmine petals are laid out between tea leaves and left for four months without the use of heat treatments.
After the allotted time, tea is obtained, saturated with the aroma of jasmine and retaining all its benefits. Tea obtained by the second method is much more expensive, since a lot of time and effort is spent on its preparation.
Green tea, which contains jasmine petals, is better not to buy, because often unscrupulous manufacturers use a strong aroma to hide the poor quality of tea leaves. The right jasmine tea is infused with the scent of the flowers and then carefully hand-selected. It is from these tea leaves that the most delicious and healthy drink is obtained, which harmoniously combines fragrant jasmine and exquisite green tea.
But it’s not just the flavor that makes this drink so popular, it’s the health benefits as well. Green tea leaves and jasmine flowers contain substances that can have an extremely beneficial effect on the body.
The benefits and harms of jasmine tea
Green tea has a strong antioxidant effect and has other beneficial properties; it contains many organic compounds, vitamins, macro- and microelements. It also contains minerals, alkaloids, amino acids, all of which are very useful for humans.
Benefits of jasmine tea:
- helps lower blood pressure;
- eliminates allergens from the body, which helps in the fight against allergic reactions;
- improves the functioning of the digestive system; perfectly relieves the feeling of thirst;
- thins the blood, which reduces the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, which means heart attack and stroke. has a warming effect in cold weather;
- reduces pain and spasms; helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances and toxins;
- promotes the burning of excess calories and accelerates metabolism;
- lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the body;
- eliminates chronic fatigue syndrome, energizes, energizes, improves efficiency and improves mindfulness for the whole day thanks to caffeine in its composition in a lightweight form – theine;
- increases the body’s resistance to diseases of an infectious and viral nature, strengthens the immune system;
- with a cold, it helps to recover and restore the body;
- helps with hangover syndrome;
- with prolonged and regular use, it is a prophylactic against the occurrence of oncology;
- helps prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system; normalizes the state of the nervous system, relieves stress, improves sleep;
- helps digestion of food, increasing the acidity of gastric juice and removing excess fat;
- has antibacterial and antiviral properties; has an anti-inflammatory effect; helps with depression, improves mood; promotes blood purification with regular use;
- improves visual acuity;
- strengthens tooth enamel;
- makes the wound healing process faster; soothes, relaxes, relieves anxiety and stress;
- partially relieves discomfort during motion sickness;
- increases sexual desire;
- positively affects the functioning of the brain;
- helps to normalize the production of insulin promotes the removal of toxins and toxic substances from the body.
Despite the usefulness of the drink, there are cases when drinking green tea with jasmine is not recommended: on an empty stomach, as it can cause heartburn and increase
- acidity;
- at elevated body temperature; right before bed, because it will be difficult to fall asleep;
- with individual intolerance to the components of drinks and a tendency to allergies; if you have kidney problems;
- with unstable blood pressure;
- in combination with alcohol, as this can lead to indigestion;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding drink with caution and in small quantities;
- if there are chronic diseases associated with the stomach, joints and urinary system.
It is important to remember that drinking even the most healthy tea in large quantities can harm a person. Therefore, it is necessary to drink no more than 3-4 cups of the drink per day.
How to brew jasmine green tea
In order to brew jasmine green tea and enjoy truly wonderful taste and aroma, it is important to follow strict guidelines. First you need to prepare everything you need:
Water. The choice should be taken seriously, because the usefulness and taste of tea depends on its quality characteristics. It is advisable to use water from natural sources or well filtered.
Gaiwan. This is the name of a porcelain cup with a lid, designed specifically for brewing jasmine tea. Of course, you can use an ordinary glass cup or teapot, but the gaiwan is much more convenient.
Welding. It is important to maintain the correct proportions. One hundred and fifty milliliters of water needs three grams of tea leaves. For benefit, you need to use high-quality tea, in which only natural ingredients are present.
Now in stores there are many teas with artificial additives, flavors and dyes, so manufacturers reduce its cost, but such tea can be not only unhealthy, but also harmful.
It is also not recommended to use bagged tea, it is made from waste, which is called tea dust. Quality tea should not stain cold water. When brewing, dry tea leaves of small size and strongly twisted should straighten out to the size of large ones, this indicates a good quality of the product. High-quality green tea should be exclusively large-leafed.
First, you should first scald the gaiwan with boiling water. In the warmed dishes, the necessary temperature conditions are created for high-quality brewing. Then pour tea leaves and pour water, its temperature should not exceed 85 degrees, and cover with a lid. If you pour boiling water over the tea mixture, then most of its beneficial properties will be lost. The brewing time is determined by the personal preferences of each and the quality of the tea leaves being brewed.
The first tea leaves are usually poured out, because it serves to wash off dusty particles from the leaves. It is advisable to continue the second brewing for no longer than three minutes. The duration of each subsequent brewing should be increased by half a minute. High-quality jasmine tea can be brewed up to four times while the drink retains its unique aroma. If the brewing technology and proportions are not followed, bitterness in the drink may be felt.
You should not drink tea exclusively from jasmine flowers, you can get a strong allergy, they can only be used as an additive. It is best to store tea in a box with a tight lid in a place protected from bright light and heat sources. It is advisable to drink a drink in a calm atmosphere an hour after a meal or between meals.
Jasmine green tea for weight loss
Jasmine gives a sweet taste to the drink, so it should be drunk without sugar, which reduces its calorie content. Also, green tea with jasmine has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, which slows down the formation of fat and promotes weight loss. But it is important to understand that tea alone, without other measures, will not relieve excess weight.
Fat deposits can only go away under the influence of physical activity and proper nutrition. Therefore, tea is only an auxiliary general health measure to the overall weight loss program that can speed up the process. If after losing weight you adhere to proper nutrition and drink green tea, then the effect will be stable.
Jasmine tea is a great drink that not only gives pleasure with its unforgettable taste and aroma, but also has a healing effect on the body. This is a great drink for tea connoisseurs and people who care about their health.