The benefits and features of coffee with the addition of cardamom
In addition, they are high in calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus. The tonic properties of cardamom in coffee are due to the presence of B vitamins in this spice.
Benefits of coffee with cardamom
The morning drink is not only tasty and fragrant, it also has healing properties known to the healers of ancient India and China. What is the benefit of coffee with cardamom?
Main healing properties:
- removal of mucus from the body with asthma, colds, coughs, bronchitis; stimulation of the brain, reduction of depression and nervous tension;
- normalization of digestive function, elimination of colic and spasms;
- neutralization of the action of caffeine and the mucus-forming properties of milk;
- anesthesia for toothache, cleansing the oral cavity from pathogenic flora;
- lowering blood pressure; excretion of calcium, which forms stones, from the kidneys.
Coffee with cardamom, the benefits of which are confirmed by people’s reviews, is recommended for everyone, but in small quantities. At one time, you can use 1/5 teaspoon of seasoning.
Contraindications to the use of spices
The inhabitants of the East were the first to taste coffee with cardamom, the benefits and harms of which Europeans became aware of not so long ago. The drink is contraindicated in people prone to food allergic reactions, as it can cause individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to take it for those who have diseases of the gastric mucosa, intestinal problems, gallstones.
Coffee with cardamom can exacerbate the situation, causing an attack of pain in gastritis and peptic ulcers. In any case, when drinking this invigorating drink, you should know the measure, using the spice in small quantities.
It contributes to the enrichment of taste, and should not interrupt it. Overdose can cause diarrhea leading to dehydration.
Cardamom Coffee Recipes
Cardamom gives coffee a unique shade of taste, harmoniously combined with cinnamon, vanilla, lemon. Not every person knows, adding cardamom to coffee for the first time, how to use it in the right proportions. There are several recipes that must be followed, observing the dosage of the ingredients so as not to harm the body:
Traditional Arabic coffee . The Turk is warmed up over low heat, half a teaspoon of sugar and 3 tsp are poured into it. coffee. Cardamom grains should be slightly flattened or crushed in a mortar, add to the dishes. Pour all 120 ml. unboiled cold water, put on a small fire.
When foam appears, the Turk is removed and after a few seconds it is put back on the stove. These steps are repeated three times. Then the drink should be infused for several minutes. It is poured into a cup, preheated with boiling water. In the absence of grains, you can add ground spice, but only to coffee that has already been removed from the heat. If desired, also added: a slice of lemon or a pinch of cinnamon, a little vanilla, cream.
The recipe is the simplest. To prepare the drink, you need to prepare: Crushed coffee beans – 1 tbsp. l.; Spice – 1/4 tsp ; 150 ml. water; Sugar; Milk. All ingredients are mixed, boiled in a Turk until foam is formed. After that, it is removed from the fire and put again for boiling. The drink is filtered.
Chocolate . Two teaspoons of coffee, two cardamom pods and four clove buds are added to the cezve, poured with water and brought to a boil a couple of times. A bar of chocolate is melted in a water bath, added to milk, whipped with a mixer. The sweet mixture is added to the drink.
For weight loss . First, a decoction of grains is prepared. The fruits are crushed, poured with a glass of water, boiled over low heat for about five minutes. The dishes are removed from the fire. The infusion should sweat for about 30 minutes. Next, a ginger decoction is prepared from the crushed root, boiled for 5-6 minutes. An infusion of cardamom seeds is poured into the Turk, 1 cinnamon stick is placed, brought to a boil. Then 2 clove buds and a decoction of ginger are added, boiled again. The Turk is removed from the fire. Sugar and milk can be added to the drink according to taste preferences.
Coffee with cardamom is considered an ideal drink that has a beneficial effect on the entire body, improves appetite, activates digestion, and has a cooling effect in the heat.