Of course, green tea extract owes its popularity to its composition, in which, upon careful analysis, one can find:
alkaloids: among which caffeine (which is then converted to theine), theofelin, guanine, theobromine
• amino acids: as many as 17 pieces
• pigments: 2 types – thearubigins and theaflavins
• tannins: more than 30 compounds from tannin, polyphenol, kahetin
• minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, silicon, sodium, iron, etc.
• vitamin group: A, B, C, D, K, P
• essential oils
Green tea plant extract is a supplement made from unfermented tea tree leaves. The fact that the raw material undergoes minimal processing allows preserving the unique composition of the extract. By far the most sought after form is green tea extract powder.
The benefits and harms of green tea extract
Speaking about green tea extract, of course, one cannot but talk about the benefits and harms of this supplement. Among the valuable properties of the extract are:
• slows down the aging process, providing an antioxidant effect
• helps to slow down the development of oncological tumors, is used for cancer prevention
• protects cells from destruction and damage
• reduces the load on the myocardium
• has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system
• normalizes microcirculation
• increases elasticity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels
• lowers cholesterol levels
Strengthens the immune system and also has an antiviral effect – extensive research is currently underway on the effect of green tea extract on HIV infection
• affects lipid metabolism, helping to reduce excess weight
• strengthens tooth enamel
• has a tonic effect
But it would be wrong to talk only about useful properties. Among the contraindications of green tea extract are:
• age: children and the elderly should refrain from taking
• diseases: gout, rheumatoid arthritis, urogenital diseases, hypertension, arrhythmia, hypertension
• pregnancy
• breast-feeding
• individual intolerance
• allergic reactions
Excessive consumption of the extract can cause symptoms such as:
• vomit
• bouts of nausea
• diarrhea
• dizziness
So, who will benefit from using green tea extract:
• for everyone who leads an active lifestyle and needs additional sources of energy
• for athletes working on weight loss (especially in combination with carnitine)
• for those who care about their health: if you support the intake of the extract with vitamin and mineral supplements, you will increase immunity and help the body get rid of excess “ballast”
• for professional bodybuilders: the percentage of adipose tissue decreases, while muscle tissue, on the contrary, increases, and, most importantly, dry
• for swimmers, runners, skiers and other fans of aerobic exercise: you will protect the body from overwork and the occurrence of inflammatory processes after training
And what is especially important: green tea extract is perfect for vegetarians as an alternative to sports fat burners.
Action of green tea extract
In what cases will the use of green tea extract be justified and bring a positive effect?
For medical purposes, green tea extract is used as a strong antioxidant, as well as:
• for the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system
• in complex therapy of oncological diseases
• in case of systemic cerebrovascular accidents
• in diseases of the respiratory system
• for the prevention of the female reproductive system
• to improve metabolism and slow down the aging process
• to improve mental performance
• for the treatment of hypertension of the arterial type
• for weight loss and weight loss
It is extremely useful for athletes to add green tea extract to their diet, as the supplement helps to actively burn fat. However, it is important to say that the supplement helps not only to significantly reduce body fat and improve metabolism, but also increase energy endurance. Thus, you get rid of what is not needed and build muscle tissue in a quality manner.
Green tea extract is also used in cosmetics: helping to get rid of age spots, acne, dryness. The skin becomes healthy and even, without oily sheen and rashes. By the way, you can make an excellent moisturizer at home. We have prepared for you a recipe for such a cream based on green tea extract. We will need:
• coconut oil, 1 cup
• green tea extract, 2 tbsp.
• whisk
• sieve or cheesecloth
• jar for cream with airtight lid
• double boiler
How to do:
• put coconut oil into the container of the double boiler and heat it until completely dissolved
• pour out the green tea extract and leave on low heat for another 40-50 minutes
• the resulting mixture is filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth
• using a whisk (not a mixer) beat the mixture until a creamy texture is obtained
• transfer to a jar, put in a cool place
• apply in the morning and evening
green tea extract for weight loss
We decided to dwell on the benefits of the extract for weight loss, since for women this option for using green tea extract is especially interesting.
It just so happened that green tea contains as many as six types of substances such as catechins. However, it is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that is responsible for the fat burning effect. Back in 2009, an extensive study was conducted, which confirmed that the use of green tea extract can significantly reduce weight, improve energy metabolism and maintain shape after losing weight.
A little later, this hypothesis was confirmed by Chinese scientists who tested drinks with a high content of EGCG on 182 volunteers with an average degree of overweight. All of them were divided into 4 groups, but only 3 groups received drinks with green tea extract. The result was a conclusion that directly proves that drinks with EGCG reduce weight, as well as the internal content of adipose tissue.
What causes fat loss? The substances that make up the extract slow down the absorption of carbohydrate foods and activate the processes of removing excess fat from the body. At its core, the extract provokes the work of certain enzymes that destroy fat cells (this is pancreatic and gastric lipase), as well as increase the production of heat by the body, or in other words, thermogenesis.
However, let’s make a reservation right away: the full effect of the supplement can be felt when playing sports, which is confirmed by research from the Institute of Sports Pharmacology.
Optional green tea extract:
• improves immunity
• tones and improves mood
• removes excess fluid, preventing the appearance of edema
• removes toxins and slags
Instructions for use of green tea extract
As we said above, one of the popular forms of extract release is powder. It should be diluted in water, in a ratio of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. By the way, the frozen solution can be used for cosmetic purposes by wiping the skin of the hands and face. Also, the diluted extract can be rubbed into the hair roots to improve the condition of your curls.
Green tea extract powder can be added to fruit or vegetable purees, and fluid intake should also be increased. Ideally, combine the intake of the extract with other useful dietary supplements that will enhance the effect of the supplement.
How much green tea extract per day? As a rule, a sufficient dosage is 400-500 mg. Tablets should be taken 1-2 times a day for at least a month. However, in agreement with the doctor, the dosage can be increased to 3 tablets per day. In powder form, the dosage volume should not exceed 500 mg, but this format is more convenient than tablets, as it is better absorbed by the body, and more economical than tablets.
By the way, for understanding: the content of green tea extract in capsules can range from 120 to 400 mg, and tablets can also be supplemented with vitamin C, caffeine, tannins. That is why you should first consult with your doctor to find the dosage that is right for you.