A cup of fragrant strong coffee is an essential morning ritual for lovers of an invigorating drink. Today, shop windows offer a huge selection of different brands and types of coffee, competition in this business is high, and not all companies can stay afloat. But those who succeed, win people’s love for a long time.
The popularity of a particular brand of coffee depends not only on the taste of the drink, but also on the competent work of marketers who skillfully calculate advertising campaigns. A part of this work is the slogan and, of course, the name.
The most famous Italian coffee brands
The Italians are so in love with coffee that they managed to convey their feeling to the whole world – it is in this country that the largest number of insanely delicious recipes for preparing a drink was invented, and the best world-famous coffee brands are founded and flourish.
One of the most striking examples is the Lavazza coffee brand, which produces ground and grain coffee. In 1895, the Italian industrialist Luigi Lavazza opened a small grocery store in Turin, naming it with his sonorous surname. Lavazza is a traditional world-class family business that proudly bears the name of its founder.
Another famous coffee brand that symbolizes Italian quality is Illy. And again history repeats itself – the name of the product bears the name of the founder Francesco Illi, who opened a coffee business in Trieste in 1933. Like Lavazza, Illy is a family business and today is the world’s largest producer of ground coffee. The third story is about Agust coffee and the Corsini family.
More than 50 years ago, not far from Milan, Augusto Corsini opened a small coffee processing workshop and named it after himself – August. Until today, the enterprise for the production of high-quality ground and grain drink is considered one of the best brands of coffee in Italy and abroad, the production is flourishing and still belongs to the founder’s family.
In honor of its creator, Trombetta coffee, founded in 1890 in Rome by Vittorio Trombetta, is also named, but the name of the Squisito trademark registered in 1977 characterizes all its products in one word (translated from Italian Squesito sounds simple and clear – “tasty”). Both brands produce both grain and ground coffee, as well as capsule coffee for coffee machines.
The Kimbo coffee company, specializing in the production of grain and ground coffee, was founded in 1963 in Naples by the Rubino brothers. The name Kimbo is a direct association with the birthplace of coffee: it is the name of a city in Guinea, a country in West Africa. Rubino successfully picked up a capacious, bright and easy-to-remember name that gained worldwide fame.

French coffee brands are represented by the Malongo brand, founded in 1934 as a coffee roasting company. Over time, thanks to an innovative approach, the brand has established itself as a manufacturer of premium ground coffee. It is noteworthy that the founder of the company Maurice Malongo, unable to withstand the competition, sold his business a few years later. Malongo owes its rise to the new owners and the sonorous name of the founder, which was left in the name.
Sophisticated lovers know not only the name, but also the taste of the world’s most expensive coffee bean brand Kopi Luwak. Produced in Indonesia, Kopi Luwak is known for its specific processing method: during the ripening of the coffee tree fruits, they are eaten by local musangi animals, then the coffee beans defecate naturally, they are collected, washed and dried in the sun. The unique taste of the drink is explained by the work of the gastric juice of animals and the action of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The name of this brand is simple and clear: Kopi means “coffee” in Indonesian, Luwak is the local name for musangi.
Panama brand coffee
One of the best coffee brands is rightfully considered Panamanian natural coffee beans Hacienda la Esmeralda. The history of the brand began in 1967, when California banker Rudolf Peterson bought a several hundred acre estate called Hacienda la Esmeralda in order to live in it after retirement. Coffee has been grown here for a long time, but the plantation was planted en masse only in 1987, and in 2004 the famous Geisha variety was brought here for the first time, which brought worldwide fame to the owners of the plantation, the Petersons. Coffee bears the name of the native plantation, which in Spanish means “emerald plantation” (Hacienda – “plantation”, Esmeralda – “emerald”).
The name of the legendary producer of elite grain coffee – Jamaica Blue Mountain is closely related to the geography of production. In 1728, the governor of the island, Sir Nicholas Lowes, brought the coffee tree to Jamaica. The outlandish plant took root, later a whole coffee plantation appeared, located on the fertile lands of the longest mountain range in Jamaica – the Blue Mountains (Blue Mountain from English – “blue mountain”). Today, Jamaica Blue Mountain confidently occupies a worthy place in the ranking of the best coffee brands.
The Jakobs brand, which produces ground and freeze-dried coffee, originated in Bremen. In 1895, Johann Jacobs opened a shop selling chocolate, tea and coffee and named it after himself – Jacobs, registering a trademark. Later, a coffee roasting shop was opened. Despite the fact that the owners of the company have changed a long time ago, the brand has retained the name of its first founder to this day.
Another German brand of coffee has a very original name. The brand appeared in Hamburg in 1914 thanks to businessmen Max Hertz and Karl Chilling-Irjan. At first, the company was engaged in the delivery of coffee beans, so the name is part of the surname of one of the founders (the first letters of the surname Tchilling (Chilling) – Tchi) and an indication of the type of activity of the company (bo – the first letters of the German word bohen – “beans”). Today Cibo is a huge holding, one of the activities of which is the production of instant coffee.
The young American brand Egoist introduced its products to the coffee market in 2014. The range is quite wide: grain, ground, freeze-dried and capsule coffee. The concept of the product is based on its provocative name Egoist (“a person who cares only about himself”): this is both the slogan – “You can’t live without him!”, and high cost (“you don’t feel sorry for anything for yourself”). Selfishness has become synonymous with success, and the product itself, as it were, personifies a successful life. By the way, fans of the brand note that coffee fully justifies its name – once it appears on the shelf, it, like a real egoist, will no longer tolerate competitors.
The Dutch brand of instant coffee Mokkona, which has existed since the 18th century, was founded by Egbert Dau, who opened his grocery store in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The brand got its name from the name Mokka, a type of Arabica coffee grown in the Yemeni port city of Mocha. Today Moccona is one of the leading manufacturers of instant coffee, both classic and with various additives.

In the form in which instant coffee is familiar to everyone today, it first appeared in 1938 thanks to the Swiss company Nestle. It was to her in the early 30s of the 20th century that the Brazilians turned to find a way to preserve and industrially process coffee beans – every year Brazil lost huge quantities of coffee. Thanks to seven years of work by the company chemist Max Morgenthaler, instant coffee was released in the form of small granules that retain the properties of coffee beans for a long time and turn into an aromatic drink with the help of water. The name of the new coffee brand was chosen very simple, understandable and memorable: Nescafe consists of the initial letters of the brand name Nestle and the word cafe – coffee.
The company also produces one of the best coffee capsules for making coffee machines – Nespresso. For the name, an already familiar method was used – the merger of the first letters of Nescafe and the Italian word espresso, meaning the world-famous method of preparing a drink (literally translated from Italian – “under pressure”).
One of the most recognizable coffee brands, the Swiss Ambassador began to conquer the market in 1987. Under the trademark, lines of ground, grain and instant drink from Colombian arabica are produced. The name, which means “messenger” in English, symbolizes a hidden meaning – an attempt to change the idea of coffee, to feel a completely different taste of the usual drink.
Finland coffee brand
In Finland, there is also a popular coffee brand that produces instant and grain drink – Pauling. The company was founded in 1876 and bears the name of its founder Gustav Pauling, it is a family business that began with the opening of a grocery store in Helsinki. Later, the Paulings launched a coffee roasting shop, expanded and went international, keeping their surname as the company name.