“If you don’t start the day with a cup of fresh coffee, then why wake up then …” – Joseph Brodsky once said. It’s hard to argue with a famous poet. The classic drink originated in Turkey. Let’s take a closer look at Turkish coffee: features, history, how to drink.
You can read about all these points in this article. The history of the appearance of the drink First you need to understand that Turkish coffee is not a variety, but a way of making a drink. For the first time coffee began to be consumed by the inhabitants of Ethiopia. The word coffee comes from the Arabic word Kaffa, which is the name of the region where the drink became popular.
After the Ethiopians, the habit of drinking coffee was adopted by the Arabs. This is due to the close proximity of the two countries. Previously, Ethiopia and Ancient Arabia had many common traditions. Coffee was brought to Turkey by Arab traders in 1554. A year later, the drink became so popular that coffee houses began to open all over Istanbul. There was one problem that hindered the popularization of coffee in Turkey. Translated from Arabic, the word “coffee” means “wine”.
The widespread use of a drink whose name was consonant with alcohol was very problematic in a Muslim country. At one time, the clergy managed to ban this drink throughout Turkey. While the taboo on coffee was in effect, the locals drank it in underground establishments. However, the ban was quickly lifted as soon as people realized that there was not a single gram of alcohol in the drink.
Features of making Turkish coffee
Classic coffee is brewed in a Turk – in Turkey it is called Cezva. Boil the drink for no longer than 20 minutes, periodically removing it from the heat. The main feature of this method of preparation is the presence of a thick foam in the drink.
In Turkey, they rarely put sugar in their coffee. The locals prefer to drink the drink with something sweet like baklava or jam.
Also, Turkish coffee can be distinguished by the abundance of spices; vanilla, cloves or jasmine are used as flavorings. Scientists have been able to prove that moderate doses of Turkish coffee can benefit the body. The drink has a positive effect on the nervous and digestive systems, and also helps to lose weight. The main thing is not to exceed the dose of 50 mg of caffeine per day.
How to drink Turkish coffee
Turkish coffee is usually drunk with a glass of water. Before drinking, you should drink some clean water. This will help cleanse the receptors and prepare them for tasting the spiced coffee.
The classic drink is usually brewed on coals. In Turkey, most often it is cooked on the grill. However, this method is not always convenient, and a recipe for making coffee in the sand has recently been invented. Locals use special sand that can withstand intense heat. The most important rule is a sincere company. Nothing improves the taste of a drink like a pleasant conversation and close people around.