There are many coffee lovers in the world. This is a wonderful drink with amazing taste and aroma. There are many types of it and there is the most expensive coffee in the world. Many people do not delve into the details and simply divide the drink into instant and ground. But everything is much more complicated. There are a wide variety of drinks on the market. They have different qualities. Today we will tell you which coffee is the most expensive in the world. In this article, you will learn a lot of interesting information.
This drink has incredible properties. Its name reads like “Mine Luwak”. Its cost is very high. But not everyone knows what exactly this drink is famous for. The most expensive coffee in the world comes from Indonesia. Its main feature lies in the peculiar manufacturing process.
The bottom line is that one animal lives in Indonesia. It is a type of civet. This is a small predator. It’s called Luwak. Previously, it was considered almost the main Indonesian pest. He was brutally fought with the most sophisticated methods. Since the animal lives on trees, and loves to eat coffee beans. In addition, Luwak selects for eating the most ripe and fragrant of them.
One fine day, this funny animal became famous all over the world. Animal coffee drinker eats a lot of grains. Not all of them can be digested. As a result, they pass through his digestive system. In the process, they are exposed to enzymes. Further, the grains are excreted from the body of Luwak in a natural way.
Who first guessed to prepare a drink from the excrement of this animal is not known. But in terms of its properties, it is considered one of the best. This is confidently stated by gourmets who managed to enjoy this drink. The variety has a caramel flavor and chocolate aroma.
The effect of the animal on grains has a scientific explanation. Coffee breaks down proteins as it passes through the digestive system. This contributes to the fact that after roasting the taste of the grains is significantly enhanced. Some of the proteins are completely removed from coffee. This significantly reduces the bitterness of the finished drink. Note that despite the fact that the secret of Kopi Luwak has long been revealed, they have not yet learned how to produce this coffee industrially. It is rather difficult to collect a sufficient number of “animal-treated” grains. Therefore, this coffee is the most expensive in the world. On average, its price is about six hundred dollars.
There are other types of coffee for which you will have to pay a large amount of money. Among them:
Hacienda La Esmeralda coffee is quite expensive. It is grown in Western Panama near Mount Baru. This coffee is harvested by hand. Each grain is carefully checked for damage and various defects, and weighed. The coffee is lightly roasted, which gives it an aroma with pleasant notes and a fruity-chocolate flavor.
This variety is a multiple winner at various international competitions. The quality of the drink from it is impeccable. This is facilitated not only by the manual collection and sorting of grains, but also by the ecology of the region of its cultivation. Esmeralda is one of the most beloved coffees in the world. Its cost is about one hundred dollars.
In third place in terms of high cost is coffee grown on the island of St. Helena. This piece of land occupies a very small area. It has been growing coffee beans for more than two hundred and fifty years. In this case, only the most natural fertilizers are used. This type of coffee has an amazing taste and aroma. Its cost is approximately eighty dollars.
El Ingerto is a variety produced in the homeland of coffee, in Guatemala. It has amazing taste and aroma. You can hardly find a person who would not like this drink. For several centuries, this variety has been considered one of the most beloved in the world. Of course, not every coffee lover can afford it. On average, its cost is fifty dollars.