It seems that we already know at least everything about coffee. But the most important thing is that drinking a lot of it is harmful, but not enough … Well, somehow not enough.
To find out all the additional nuances, we turned to Ph.D., cardiologist, therapist Vladimir Beketov, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Rheumatology of the Institute of Clinical Medicine of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry
– The main question from coffee lovers: when does the benefit of coffee end and the harm begins – from what number of mugs a day?
– There are numerous studies that agree on one thing: one or two, maximum three cups of espresso per day, that is, 30-60 ml of strong coffee, will not harm, but benefit. They are equivalent to two lattes, two cappuccinos, in general, any coffee drink, where exactly 30 ml of espresso is the basis – one recognized dose of coffee. But I’ll make a reservation right away – one dose of coffee a day will be enough for someone, and someone can drink at least four cups without harm to health.
It all depends on the individual reaction of the body: metabolic rate, concomitant diseases, age. After all, coffee contains not only caffeine, but also many other substances, including acids that affect the gastrointestinal tract. Many people know that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful, but few people know that an hour after eating it is very useful because it helps to “push” the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating peristalsis.
And in general, now I will destroy the age-old postulates, but I will say: from the point of view of benefits for the nervous system, morning coffee is simply useless, and sometimes even harmful. After all, what is caffeine – it is a stimulant for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In its pure form, we use it in hospitals in the form of injections. And in the morning our nervous system is rested, the heart beats smoothly, everything is fine. But here we spur ourselves on with a cup of coffee and run! What happens is that resources are depleted faster. Although they could work until the middle of the day without stimulation. But when we get tired, then a cup of coffee will be just right. It could be as early as 11 am or in the afternoon.
– Now you will say that you can also have coffee in the evening!
– Why not? At least after 16 and even, scary to say, after 17 hours it is possible for sure. If you feel tired, feel that it’s time to cheer up – believe me, a dose of coffee will go exactly to keep you in working condition. There will be no hyperstimulation and you will fall asleep as well as if there was no cup of coffee. The main thing – try not to abuse sugar and cream.
– Are there useful and undesirable combinations of coffee in the morning with other drinks and products in terms of evidence-based medicine: with milk / cream, with cheese, with orange juice. Now it is gaining popularity, in particular, the orange juice bumble drink with the addition of coffee – how can this combination affect health with regular use?
– There is not a single serious study in which a sufficient number of people would be involved, studying the harm and benefits of combining coffee and other substances. Here, rather, a matter of taste, someone likes the combination of cheese and coffee, someone thinks that orange juice with a cup of espresso invigorates him more. I can definitely say one thing: you should not drink espresso or drinks based on it with a hearty lunch. Coffee can provoke excessive relaxation of the esophageal sphincter and even cause the onset of gastroesophageal reflux disease. That is, after coffee drunk on a full stomach, heartburn and belching may begin. But on the other hand, after an hour or two after dinner, you will greatly help digestion by drinking a cup of coffee.
Breaking the postulates: coffee hearts can!
“There is not a single study that unequivocally proves the harm of coffee for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases,” says Dr. Beketov. – The exception is atrial fibrillation, but it’s definitely better to refuse coffee with it. Doctors do not recommend coffee for children under 16, and for pregnant women in the first and second trimester (to avoid unnecessary stimulation). The rest of the people, subject to the rule of 2-3 doses per day, coffee is allowed.
After all, there are many studies proving its benefits. Including how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease (moderate stimulation of nerve tissues is beneficial for the brain). And besides, regular consumption of 1-2 cups of coffee a day has been proven to reduce the risk of sudden death, as it has a stimulating effect on the entire body.