A deliciously brewed, rich and fragrant cup of coffee will save even the most gloomy morning. But the answer to the question: “how to achieve the best taste?” does not always lie on the surface. We turned to a professional and put together the basic rules for choosing coffee in this article.
The coffee beans we are used to are the seeds that ripen inside the berries, which in turn grow on the trees. Therefore, the quality of grains directly depends on the land, natural conditions and care. Even if the berry is slightly underripe, its grain will differ in taste, and it will be easy for a person to recognize this. So a delicious cup of coffee for the consumer “begins” much earlier than preparation – on the store shelf.
Quality grain has several features to recognize:
- The packaging lists a lot of information about the origin. As a rule, this is not only the country, but also the region or even the name of the farm. An additional plus will be an indication of the processing method, the height of the plantations, and the flavor notes of coffee.
- The grain is not dark roasted, there is no oily film on its surface. Contrary to popular belief, dark roasts are against quality. It is used when there are many defects in the grain that need to be hidden from the consumer. That is why dark roasted coffee from different brands practically does not differ in taste: it is dominated by intense bitterness, notes of burning. In lighter roasted beans, it doesn’t reach them, because the coffee does not have time to burn. It retains more interesting flavors, laid down by nature and processes on the plantation: notes of fruits, berries, nuts, etc.
- The grain in the package is not ground. Responsible producers understand that the ground grain will run out of steam much faster, and the consumer will hardly enjoy the cup. In addition, different brewing methods require different grind sizes. Therefore, whole grains are a better option.
- The date of roasting is indicated on the packaging, and no more than a month has passed since its moment. Coffee is a food product, and its shelf life is not that long: three months. At the same time, it has the greatest freshness after a week or two from the date of roasting, and after that it begins to slowly “age”. Therefore, it is best to buy grains from trusted places that sell fresh coffee and consume them as soon as possible.
What to choose?
The answer is simple: a pack that says a lot! For example, on a pack we see the name of the country (Brazil) and the region of cultivation (Serrado). The following is the color of roast (under espresso), the type of coffee tree, processing (natural), the height of the plantation. And for convenience, the roaster listed the flavor notes – nuts, chocolate and dried fruits.
This is done to make it easier for the buyer to make a choice. Looking at the packaging, we can get to know its contents in great detail. Thus, the producer guaranteed the transparency of the origin and the quality of the grain.
If we talk about capsules, then here the market is saturated. And there is also a lot of information about coffee on the packaging.
Dear friends! Here you can buy coffee, buy tea, chamomile tea, green tea, black tea and much more.
Each cup has a tea or coffee filter, you just have to add boiling water and enjoy a pleasant drink.
Our products are made for the first time in the world and are produced only in Ukraine from a purely ecological product. It is registered in Switzerland No. 54191 dated October 12, 2008
Artisha is not just a company or an online store. This is an exquisite taste of drinks with different types of tea and coffee. We are constantly trying to surprise you and expand our range, because we offer only the best natural teas from India, France and Germany. As well as the unforgettable taste of coffee from Brazil.
You can buy coffee and tea with different flavors from us, you just need to pour boiling water and enjoy a pleasant drink.
You can also make a custom order with your logo.
For our part, we guarantee the quality of products (tea, coffee, cups, packaging and fast delivery). For regular customers and large wholesalers, we have discounts and special offers.