The strong aroma and ginger flavor have led to the popularity of this spice – it is used both in cooking and as an additive to drinks. She was called the “queen of spices”, and the cost of natural seeds is quite high. In the article we will talk about black Indian and green tea with cardamom – what are the benefits and harms of these recipes.
Elettaria cardamomum Maton is the name of the plant among biologists. It takes its origins in India, but even before our era, the spice came to Ancient Egypt, from where it was supplied throughout Europe.
Now mainly seeds and essential oil are used, they are used both in the preparation of seasonings and in the production of medicines based on natural herbs.
In production, cardamom fruits are dried and ground into a fine powder.
Nutritional value per 100 grams of spice:
- 11% – protein;
- 7% – fats;
- 68% – carbohydrates;
- 6% – ash;
- 8% – moisture.
The seeds themselves and their shells contain essential oils. They have a very pleasant smell, help to calm the nervous system and heal wounds. In one drop of oily juice you can find:
- Amidon. It is an analgesic and also has a mild sedative effect.
- Borneol. The main function is to eliminate bacteria, infections, infections. Swelling is removed from the inflamed area.
- Camphor – gently relieves pain and inflammation.
- Linalool – is an analgesic, and also affects the nervous system, is effective for stress.
- Cineol is a powerful antiseptic that has an additional macrotonic effect.
- Bornylacetate – reduces pain, especially often added to arthritis medications.
- Nerolidol is effective for its expectorant and bronchodilator properties.
- Terpineol – helps relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
At the same time, most of the elements have their own unique smell, they are used to create aromatic compositions, which is why the drink with the addition of spices is very fragrant and attractive.
Of the trace elements that are beneficial to health, there are: iron, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc. All together contributes to:
- improving digestion;
- beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system;
- enrichment with elements of bone and muscle tissue, blood;
- raising the mood;
- strengthening immunity.
Features of the taste of cardamom
Seasoning can be found in three types:
- The crushed powder is more affordable and convenient to use, however, it cannot be said with certainty that less expensive components for weight were not added to it during grinding.
- Seeds – they can be found both in packages and by weight. They are easy to use and often used in baking.
- Pods are the most valuable in terms of nutrients and flavor retention. Their purchase is the best. Immediately before use, you can peel the skin or grind them in a mortar, using a coffee grinder. The “boxes” themselves are odorless, but serve as sealed packaging for fragrant seeds and partitions, which contain valuable aromatic oils and trace elements.
There are also two different types in taste and aroma:
- Black – soft and tender, has a smoked flavor. It is best suited for making sauces and adding to main dishes, desserts. It is rarer, so you are more likely to find the second type in the store.
- Green – has a bright bouquet of rich sweetness and sharpness, will compete with pepper, because it has a peppery and ginger hue, which is not surprising – the plant belongs to the same group as ginger. It is often used in the creation of drinks.
Since the aromatic properties are revealed gradually, in order to achieve maximum results, it is worth adding spice to dishes at the initial stage of cooking – when you first brew tea leaves with boiling water, and add all other components later.
How to characterize the taste and smell of the fruits of the plant? It can be noted that belonging to the ginger family already speaks of a specific and rather rich aroma. Sharpness is manifested to a large extent only with a large amount. The first impression is floral, with hints of eucalyptus and fennel. Then you can catch a little smoke and camphor.
Benefits of cardamom tea
The medicinal use of the herb has a history of over 5,000 years. Of course, most of the recommendations issued by the ancient “doctors” would now greatly surprise modern specialists, but the fact of a positive impact on many organs and life in general is unambiguous. Now biologists, together with doctors, note the following positive properties:
- Acceleration of metabolic processes. With excessive or malnutrition, as well as due to the presence of a number of diseases, a person may have a metabolic disorder. Cardamom, like many other spices, affects the metabolism, starts it, especially if you start the morning with a cup of tea on an empty stomach. This leads to weight loss.
- Improving well-being and mood in general, due to the removal of toxins and toxins, an invigorating effect, a mild sedative from essential oils.
- Relieve toothache and eliminate bad breath. Previously, the seeds were chewed, and the decoction was rinsed in the mouth to improve the condition of the gums.
- Strengthening the cardiovascular system – the vessels become stronger and more elastic.
- Elimination of the inflammatory process and disinfection is great for the first signs of a cold.
- Prophylactic for many diseases of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.
- Removal of fatigue, mild sedation – ideal for use in the evening.
There are many positive properties of a fragrant plant, it is recommended for almost all people – the elderly, adults, children.
How to make tea with cardamom
First, a few words about buying and storing. To achieve the maximum positive effect, it is recommended to choose not cardamom powder, but dried fruits. The pods retain all the properties of the seeds. They should have a delicate pistachio shade – if they are dark, brown, then they have been stored for a long time or spoiled, treated with chemicals. On the contrary, too white indicate immaturity. They should be hermetically sealed, when compressed – make a crunch. If you choose a powder, it’s good enough to add flavor, but contains significantly less positive oils, as they are volatile.
Store the spice in an airtight container – glass, ceramic. When cooking, it is best to grind some of the seeds or crush them just before brewing.
Unlike some other seasonings, cardamom is brewed for a long time, it is recommended to hold it in boiling water for a while before use. Carefully consider the choice of water – it should be clean, with a minimum amount of impurities. It is best to buy distilled or from the source, but if you use tap water, then you need to carry out a multi-stage cleaning.
The choice of tea must be approached with special attention. It should be tea leaves, but in no case bags. Green or black – at your discretion, the first tones well, it should be drunk in the morning, it gives strength. You can buy proven products in the artisha store.