Is chamomile tea sold in stores healthy? Or is it better to buy chamomile collection in a pharmacy? If in a pharmacy, then what kind of chamomile should I take – in the form of a medicine or a dietary supplement? How are all these products different? To answer these and other questions, Roskachestvo researched dietary supplements, medicines and chamomile teas.
The study was conducted at the initiative of the Association of Honored Doctors of the World in order to identify counterfeit products, to determine the difference between pharmaceutical chamomile and various drinks based on it, which are also sold in grocery chains.
During the study, the experts determined:
• Is it really chamomile or is it a fake, a mixture of different herbs.
• How much the product contains substances with a positive effect on the body: essential oils, flavonoids, extractives.
• Whether there are foreign impurities, harmful substances (pesticides, carcinogens), as well as dangerous microorganisms in the goods.
As the results of the study showed, only goods of 20 brands out of 25 turned out to be safe. Five – four dietary supplements and one tea – revealed a discrepancy with TR CU 021/2011 “On Food Safety” in terms of mold content (according to the regulations, no more than 103 CFU / G). Two dietary supplements had an excess of the total number of aerobic microorganisms, which also violates the requirements of the technical regulations.
Chamomile flowers (without leaves and stems) were included in only ten studied products. Falsification (replacing chamomile with other plant materials) has not been recorded.
The goods of four out of 25 trademarks meet both the mandatory requirements of the legislation and the advanced requirements of Roskachestvo. These are drugs of the trade marks “PharmaTsvet” and “ST.-Medifarm”, teas “Prosto Azbuka” and Milford. The decision to award these products with the Russian Quality Mark will be made after an assessment of production and the level of its localization.

The benefits and harms of chamomile tea
Disputes about the benefits of chamomile tea, contraindications and why they drink it have been going on for decades. Some piously believe that this drink is able to defeat any ailment, improve health in the shortest possible time. Others do not share such rosy illusions, being rather skeptical about the product. Who is right? And is it worth it to be treated with the help of pharmacy fees? You will find answers to these and many other questions below.
About the composition of chamomile tea
Chamomile inflorescences are actively used in folk medicine to eliminate a number of diseases. To understand what their healing effect is, you can, having studied in detail the features of the composition.
So, chamomile contains:
Apigenins are substances designed to suppress allergic reactions and all kinds of inflammatory processes. They fight free radicals and can prevent the formation of certain types of cancer cells.
Chrysins are components that have a powerful sedative effect. Reducing fear, anxiety and panic, they are used to treat hysterical conditions, prolonged depression. They are especially useful for people suffering from nightmares.
Coumarins are anti-inflammatory agents. They provide a characteristic and recognizable chamomile smell. What is noteworthy: this substance can be used to eliminate edema that appeared in the postoperative period.
Ascorbic acids are an essential ingredient necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is he who improves the work of bone and connective tissues, regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, converting it into bile. In addition, it can act as a powerful antioxidant.
Tannins are essentially natural laxatives. They provide a bitter taste, stimulate the digestive tract, normalizing the internal intestinal microflora.
Pectins are orderlies of the human body, as doctors call them. Effectively cleansing internal systems of harmful compounds, they do not disturb the natural microflora.
Carotenes are components that stimulate metabolism. Slowing down the aging process, they are designed to prolong youth and preserve beauty.
Essential oils – have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects. In some cases, they can accelerate regeneration.
In addition, the plant contains vital vitamins and trace elements (iron, calcium, zinc, etc.).
What are the benefits for men and women
Surprisingly, even pathologies of the male genitourinary system can be cured with the help of pharmacy chamomile. Next, your attention is invited to a specific list of ailments that the plant can affect.
What is a drink for ladies:
relieves pain spasms during PMS;
helps fight depression caused by hormonal disruptions.
How does it affect men:
acts as an effective prevention of prostatitis;
prevents the development of gastrointestinal pathologies.
In addition, tea has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, fights rashes and dull complexion.
Due to the unique chemical composition, the drink is able to provide:
powerful antibacterial action, fighting the pathogenic environment, eliminating internal inflammation;
choleretic and diuretic effect, eliminating swelling;
sedative calming effect, preventing hysterical conditions, eliminating feelings of anxiety and anxiety.
In addition, the product has antispasmodic and analgesic properties, which explains the need for its use during PMS, fever, the height of a cold, etc.
What helps and what is useful chamomile tea
Above, we examined in detail the healing properties and constituent features of the tea potion. Next, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with specific indications for use.
With a cold
The high content of vitamin C makes the plant especially effective in treating seasonal flu and infections. A pronounced antibacterial effect allows you to cope with the characteristic symptoms of colds.
Regular drinking of the drug helps:
reduce sore throat;
lower the temperature
improve overall emotional state and well-being.
What is noteworthy: the tool can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention, since it has a powerful immunomodulatory effect.
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Benefits of chamomile tea for the gastrointestinal tract:
eliminates bloating and gas formation;
normalizes internal work;
removes toxins and toxins;
eliminates intestinal upset due to astringent effects.
In addition, drinking is able to fight spasms and pain due to its powerful antispasmodic effect.
As a pain reliever
Chamomile is a natural antispasmodic. Literally one cup of decoction is able to eliminate a mild headache caused by a sharp pressure drop, specific weather conditions. In some cases, with its help, it is even possible to minimize the manifestations of migraine.
For face and body
Surprisingly, the pharmacy dried flower can even be used for cosmetic purposes! According to a series of studies, chamomile infusions are effective in:
increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
elimination of shallow wrinkles;
fight against dull complexion;
elimination of rashes and inflammations.
Rubbing the T-zone with a tincture based on petals, you can normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, get rid of oily sheen.