Tea plant is unique, it is a very complex biochemical composition of the leaf. Tea contains more than 500 different substances, of which only about 300 are classified according to chemical nomenclature, the rest are in complex complexes with other substances (glycosidic) and are difficult to classify.
The main value of this plant is that the biochemical diversity of the leaf allows you to act on the body in a complex. And the effectiveness of its therapeutic properties prolongs youth, strengthens the immune system and maintains clarity of mind.
Useful properties of tea:
- It has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, due to the content of certain bacteria (in the case of Pu-erhs) is able to cope with gastritis and even gastric ulcer, normalizes the intestinal flora.
- Accelerates metabolism due to nicotinic acid content and promotes better absorption of fats.
- Contains a large amount of tannins and removes toxins and poisons that have accumulated, thus cleansing the liver and circulatory tissue in general.
- It has antiviral and antiseptic effects.
- It is a strong diaphoretic due to the high content of diuretics.
- Thanks to various glycosidic complexes, it reduces cholesterol in the blood, increases the throughput of the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic and fights atherosclerotic diseases.
- Contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates and protein molecules – respectively, very nutritious, saturated with vitamins and neurotransmitters, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
Since most tea leaf compounds are slightly soluble in water, the most effective way to obtain them is to make the infusion medium more alkaline, that is, add salt or fatty milk. In this way you will prepare a very high-calorie drink rich in vitamins and protein. To taste, in a warm infusion, you can add tea chrysanthemum, rose and honey.
It is equally important to know that there are certain reservations about drinking tea:
– Do not abuse tea on an empty stomach, as it promotes the production of gastric juice.
– Do not drink tea food, it will not be absorbed well, that is, it will be absorbed in the walls of the small intestine.
– Do not get involved in tea if there are congenital diseases of the heart and kidneys.
– Do not drink a lot of tea at night – perhaps you will fall asleep longer than usual, as it stimulates the central nervous system.
– It is not recommended to use too strong infusion – a state of overexcitement is possible.

Little-known facts about green tea
Green tea is a wonderful drink known for more than 4000 years for its healing properties.
Regular intake of green tea helps to improve the composition of the blood, stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, increases the number of red blood cells.
Studies have shown that green tea is able to adsorb and remove radioactive strontium from the body.
The ability of green tea to remove radioactive substances from the body is enhanced if it is drunk with the fruits of chokeberry, wild rose and honey.
Green tea activates the activity of the liver and spleen, cleanses them of harmful substances.
Long-term use of tea, regardless of the variety, strengthens the bones. It has been experimentally established that the strengthening of bones is necessary to drink a total of 2 cups of firmly brewed tea (1 hour spoon per cup of boiling water) daily for several years.
People who regularly use tea are distinguished by strong nerves and endurance. They usually react more calmly to life’s troubles, more easily tolerate stressful situations.
There is another non-standard use of green tea. The Chinese dry the used tea leaves and stuff a pillow with it. The faint aroma of tea coming out of the pillows helps to get enough sleep.
If firmly brewed tea invigorates, very strong powder. In some old medical books, tea is mentioned as a sleeping pill. The British drink tea not very strong, with milk, and this helps them fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.
In the summer heat, green tea is able to quench thirst and cool the heated body, it is an excellent thermostat, this has long been known to residents of hot countries. Hot tea lowers body temperature by 1-2 °C.
Green Milk Oolong Tea
The homeland of Molochny Ulun is mountainous Taiwan. There is a very developed cultivation of tea and the production of flavored oolongs.
Favorable local climate and the development of production technologies make it possible to successfully grow many varieties here, including Molochny Oolong. Japanese tea culture also played a big role, since Taiwan has long been influenced by Japan.
Milk oolong is a type of flavored oolong in Taiwan. You should know that Milk Oolong has a number of properties for which it is very much appreciated by true tea connoisseurs.
When brewing Milk Oolong Green Tea, you will get an infusion that has a light lemon color.
Chinese Milk Oolong has a rich cream aroma and delicate caramel flavor. This flavor is so pronounced, which is why you might think that milk or cream has really been added to the infusion of tea.
True tea fans appreciate it very much for this property. The taste of Milk Ulun is very expressive, delicate, soft and can be consumed even without sugar.
But where do these milky notes and the unique taste of caramel come from? Many legends and fictions have been created about this.
It is said that during the ripening period, the tea bush is watered with milk and, probably, that is why Green Milk Oolong has such a wonderful aroma and delicate taste. But this is absolutely true.
Milk oolong is a type of flavored oolong and this favorite flavor is the result of flavoring in the production of the product.
For flavoring high-quality tea, only natural aromatic substances are used. Therefore, this tea is very much appreciated and is not cheap.

Milk tea Oolong and its beneficial properties.
The age-old traditions of growing Milk Oolong tea and the special technologies of its processing have made this tea very useful.
- Women, young and not so much, use Milk Oolong for weight loss, because it promotes fat burning and allows you to part with extra pounds. But for the best effect, you need to limit the consumption of fatty foods, sweets and exercise.
- A very useful property of Milk Ulun is its ability to remove toxins and toxic substances from the body.
- Doctors recommend using it for urolithiasis, for some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Green tea will improve your condition after eating fatty foods, as well as when overeating.
- A cup of tea contains a large number of different chemical elements that our body needs.
So in its composition in large quantities there are:
- Vitamin K, responsible for blood clotting.
- Iodine, normalizing the endocrine system.
- Potassium, which helps the functioning of our cardiovascular system.
- Fluoride, under the influence of which tooth enamel is strengthened.
- Vitamins PP, C, copper, silicon, phosphorus, organic acids.
By consuming Milk Oolong, we improve mood, activate brain activity, improve memory and attention.
Milk tea Oolong.
To appreciate the aroma and feel the taste of Milk Oolong tea, you need to learn how to properly prepare it:
1. The best utensils for its preparation is a clay kettle, the thick walls of which retain heat for a long time.
2. Tap water for making tea is desirable not to use. To do this, it is better to use purified water or water from a source.
In the kettle, pre-treated with boiling water, put 10 g of tea. Tea is poured with boiled water, the temperature of which is 85-90 degrees. This is necessary to preserve the aroma and taste.
Then you need to immediately drain this water from the teapot, and then pour hot water again.
After 3-4 minutes, you can pour the resulting infusion into cups and enjoy the aroma and taste of the rich first brewing.
You can brew milk oolong several times. The taste of each tea leaves is different from the previous one.
At the end of the tea party, it is necessary to wash the teapot with clean water without using any cleaning products. By drying the kettle, you can remove it until the next use.
It should be remembered that in the case of the use of Milk Tea Oolong there are contraindications.
- Green tea Milk Oolong contains a large amount of alkaloid – theine. In this regard, doctors do not recommend drinking it to nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as for some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- If you suffer from insomnia, do not drink tea before bedtime, because high caffeine levels lead the cardiovascular and nervous systems to a state of strong arousal.
- Refuse green tea with exacerbation of peptic ulcer and gastritis.
- If you have a fever, it is not recommended to drink green tea, since theophylline contained in tea helps to increase body temperature and at the same time neutralizes the effect of drugs that lower the temperature. And tea has a diuretic effect, that is. removes fluid from the body, and this is unacceptable at high temperature.
Factors to avoid when drinking tea.
- Milk tea Oolong on an empty stomach: gastric cramps and vomiting may occur.
- Drinking very hot tea can burn the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach.
- Strong tea can cause increased arousal, insomnia, headache.
- To use tea only in freshly brewed form, it is not allowed to leave and drink it the next day.
- You can use yesterday’s tea for external use.
- It is forbidden to drink drugs with Milk Oolong tea, because thetannin contained in it interferes with the absorption of drugs.