No matter how critical some skeptics may be about Italian coffee, it must be admitted that this grain is still one of the most popular in the world. And if so, it makes sense to talk about the best Italian coffee so that you know exactly what you should choose for yourself.
The tradition of drinking coffee in the morning has spread throughout Europe and Ukraine precisely at the suggestion of Italy. A few centuries ago, Italian coffee hardly every local shopkeeper considered it his duty to sell a drink based on roasted coffee beans to the guests of his own establishment. Most often it was of excellent quality Arabica (several varieties were mixed with each other in different proportions), but sometimes a little Robusta was added to it – then the drink turned out to be stronger and had a very intense aroma.
This feature – to order a cup of real Italian coffee in any institution, wherever you are – has been preserved to this day. The hospitable owner of any local trattoria, coffee house or even a grocery store will definitely offer his guest to taste some espresso, demonstrating his own disposition even to the person he sees for the first time. may never meet again.
What is the secret of Italian coffee?
Italian coffee is not only and not so much high-quality grain as the correct Italian roast. The standard is considered to be medium, approaching dark. Remarkably, you can meet just such an option with absolutely every brand that comes from the Apennine Peninsula. Something, but the Italians sacredly honor the traditions of making good coffee, even if they experiment with the composition, method of serving or the country of origin of the grain.
The following fact is also interesting: despite the fact that the country is one, there are three types of roasting here at once: northern Italian, central Italian and southern Italian. Each of them is worth talking about in more detail.
- Roasting beans in the north of Italy is aimed at preserving the maximum number of flavor nuances. The grains are dark chocolate in color, and the bitterness effectively harmonizes with other shades in the taste.
- In central Italy, the emphasis is on more intense roasting than in the north of the country. This approach has only one drawback – the disappearance of the most subtle shades of grain taste.
- As for the south, here the tradition says to roast the grain almost to black. Thus, roasters focus only on the main flavors.
What kind of coffee is held in high esteem by the Italians themselves?
What kind of coffee do they drink in Italy? The country is kind to local producers and prefers them when it comes to the need to buy another pack of whole or ground grains. Espresso is usually brewed on its basis, and this is done using a geyser coffee maker. Other well-known drinks – cappuccino, latte, americano, frapuccino, ristretto – are less popular among Italians themselves, but they resonate in the hearts of tourists from all over the world.
Brands to watch out for
What kind of Italian coffee to buy and bring from Italy if you are in this country on duty or come on vacation? If funds allow and you want to treat yourself to something truly elite, then pay attention to the brands Vergnano 1882, Mauro, Molinari, Lucaffe or Tricaffe. It is better to buy them in the grain version and in large packs of 1000 g each – this way you will stretch the pleasure of the drink for a long time. A little lower and more pleasant cost Illy, Lavazza, Nescafe Dolce Gusto – this coffee is no less popular in Italy, and there are dozens of its varieties.
The best Italian coffee is now in Ukraine!
It does not matter if right now you do not have the opportunity to personally visit hot Italy. The most popular varieties of Italian coffee, as well as lesser-known, but no less excellent blends from other manufacturers, you can find in our online store.