If you have come to this page, it means that you have a desire to buy tea and learn about this product. And this is the right decision! If a person truly appreciates and loves something, then it is logical that he tries to gather all available information about the object he likes. In this we will try to contribute!
How to choose good tea and where to buy it? What kind of tea can be called good? The urgency of this issue is obvious. There are countless shops, brands, all kinds of specialized chains. It is sometimes very difficult for a novice tea connoisseur to choose any option, especially if there is no experienced person nearby who will recommend a trusted store.
Therefore, in order to learn how to distinguish good tea from low-grade tea, you will need to delve into many aspects by which it is customary to evaluate tea by tea professionals.
We offer. Tea coffee in disposable cups with tea or coffee filter. This is made for the first time in the world and is produced only in Ukraine from a purely ecological product.
Chamomile tea is a natural antispasmodic, pain reliever and antidepressant in one cup! In addition, chamomile infusion helps to cope with inflammatory processes, allergies, edema, prevents the development of gastrointestinal pathologies, improves skin condition and normalizes blood sugar levels. Chamomile also contains the most important vitamins and minerals (iron, calcium, zinc, etc.). Due to the content of pectin, chamomile gently cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances.
It calms the nervous system, has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect, dilates blood vessels, eliminates headaches, eliminates fermentation processes, and has an excellent cosmetic skin effect.
Tea with excellent properties, with or without sugar, according to your taste!
Black tea with cardamom flavor is a nice refreshing drink. It gives the body a sense of calm, improves brain activity and clarity of mind. It is valued not only for its exquisite taste and excellent aroma, but also for its great medicinal properties. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, eliminates insomnia. Helps with indigestion and restore the digestive tract. Spiced cardamom tea relieves stomach cramps. Regular intake of the drink helps to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body.
Cardemon is a perennial herb of the ginger family. The grains of cardamom contain: essential oils; vegetable fats; the substance gingerol, which gives the spice a burning taste; vitamins of group B, E, A, C; trace elements. The nutritional value of the dried plant per 100 g is: 10.8 g of proteins; 6.7 g fat; 40.5 g carbohydrates; 331 kCol.
Green tea is the record holder for the content of vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels. There is also a lot of vitamin C in it: 10 times more than in black. A complex of B vitamins normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, stimulates metabolism and improves skin condition.
What are the benefits of green tea in cleansing the body?
It is a strong antioxidant, it contains a lot of tannins that cleanse the body of radioactive radiation. Tea can be drunk with various food poisoning for quick detoxification.
It cleanses the kidneys of toxins and salts due to its diuretic function.
It has strong bactericidal properties, successfully copes with food poisoning.
Black tea is a classic among teas. Black tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that stimulates the brain and improves memory, as well as invigorating caffeine. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine has a magical effect on the brain, creating a feeling of complete clarity of consciousness. Drowsiness is replaced by good spirits.
Black tea, unlike coffee, invigorates more gently, without jerks, slowly, but safely for the body. And this is a guaranteed charge of energy for the whole day.
Black tea with cinnamon can provide many benefits due to the content of polyphenolic antioxidants. They help protect your cells from free radical damage and prevent chronic disease.
In addition to the unique spicy taste, cinnamon is notable for its composition, rich in vitamins and trace elements. Has an antioxidant effect.
Thanks to this, it performs the following useful actions:
– has a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis;
– improves the processing of sugar and its transformation into energy;
– accelerates metabolism, which makes it an indispensable ingredient for people who dream of losing extra pounds;
– reduces appetite, which also contributes to rapid weight loss;
– removes toxins from the body;
-improves the functioning of the digestive system.
Cinnamon is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and hot tea with it has the same benefits. As noted in one study, cinnamon was one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods out of 115 tested.
Tonic black tea with dark chocolate is the perfect combination. As part of natural cocoa beans, instantly relieving stress and improving mood.
Chocolate tea, like chocolate itself, defeats depression and fatigue, charges you with the vitality and energy needed during the day.
Tea properties:
- weight loss;
- appetite control;
- improves metabolism;
- reduces fat absorption.
Black tea with cherry flavor – this Indian black tea with cherry flavor has a berry flavor and a delicate fruit aroma from natural products, for lovers of a delicious and aromatic drink based on cherry fruits.
How useful is tea? Cherry fruits are rich in vitamins A, C, B12, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron and organic acids. For a long time they have been used to strengthen joints, prevent thrombosis, increase hemoglobin, as an antiseptic, for colds.
Herbal tea is a very healthy drink for your body!
Vitamin herbal teas are a great alternative to any other hot drink. In any case, herbal teas are an undoubted must have for any person.
It should be noted that herbal teas are rich in trace elements, vitamins and nutrients. Regular use of them slows down the aging process and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. They are able to stop the progression of many chronic diseases, and simply warm in the winter weather.
Aloe vera medicinal tea . Everyone knows what aloe vera is – it is a green plant with medicinal properties, with thick fleshy leaves, which has a lot of medicinal properties, such as:
- antibacterial, antiseptic action – due to the content of polyphenols;
- active components of aloe – vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants;
- increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin (pancreatic hormone). Accordingly, the use of aloe helps to better control sugar in type 2 diabetes;
- vitamins of groups B, A, C, E.
Tea will not only warm your body, but also give the body a healing effect!
Black time with vanilla flavor.
Vanilla is a powder with the characteristic taste and smell of vanilla, it is a spice obtained from the unripe fruits of several plant species.
Useful properties of vanilla – as the properties of a powerful antioxidant, antidepressant, anticarcinogen. With the help of vanillin added to tea, you can try to reduce high blood pressure. And vanilla (there is no doubt about its beneficial properties!) Helps with fevers, allergies and arthritis. Well, everyone knows that vanillin is a powerful aphrodisiac!
Cold drink with vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important water-soluble vitamin and antioxidant responsible for the growth and repair of muscles, blood vessels, gums and teeth. Affects the condition of bones and cartilage. Helps the body to absorb iron, normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis. Responsible for the permeability of capillaries, plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. It is not produced in the body, but comes from certain foods or is taken in the form of medicines.
Adequate levels of vitamin C contribute to a healthy immune system. Blood cells accumulate it in high concentration, thus protecting themselves from toxins that enter the body during a cold.
Vitamin C, due to its antioxidant functions, protects immune cells from self-damage. In addition, leukocytes produce interferons – proteins with antiviral and antibacterial activity, and ascorbic acid increases their production. Thus, it strengthens the immune system and helps the body to cope with foreign particles faster. Therefore, vitamin C is recommended for use in the treatment and prevention of colds.

How to buy tea?
Buying tea through our website is very simple. We constantly monitor our online store and try to present all the information in the most complete and understandable way. To make a purchase through the site, you need to find the product of interest in the “Shop” section. For convenience, all products are sorted into categories.
You can also use the search bar in the left column of the site. When the desired tea or dishes are found, select the required quantity and add to the basket using the appropriate button. A pop-up window will appear confirming that the product has indeed been added to the cart.
You can continue shopping if you need something else or click on the “Checkout” button. A new page will open showing information about reserved purchases. Below the shopping list, select shipping and payment options. Even lower are text fields in which the necessary contact information is entered.
Try to fill them all. When the list of goods is checked, the conditions for its receipt and payment are selected, the contact data is entered – click the “Place an order” button. That’s it – your order has been sent to us! After some time, our manager will contact you and confirm that the order for the goods has been received.
He will also announce to you the approximate time for the completion of the order. The whole procedure for ordering tea through an online store is very simple and intuitive. Still, we live in the age of information technology! 🙂 If you have any questions, you can always ask them by phone, feedback forms or order a call back. We will help!
You can also buy tea over the phone. You can always order tea by calling us on the phone or requesting a call back. If you have already decided on the choice of goods, just tell the list to the manager. If you need a preliminary consultation, you can always count on his help. But still, the first two options are preferable.
These are the most common ways to purchase our tea. You can also make a purchase through our pages in social networks or by writing a letter to e-mail. And we will do our part as quickly as possible! We will do everything to make you satisfied with your purchase!