Artisha 2007

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Herbal tea benefits, types, recipes

Since ancient times, herbal infusions have been highly valued and used by ancient healers due to their beneficial effect and calming effect on both the nervous system and the internal organs of a person. However, in many cases, in their pure form, their smell is not always pleasant and does not satisfy our taste. With the …

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What is Arabica?

Arabica is the most famous and popular coffee variety in the world. Depending on the location of the harvest and how the coffee is processed, Arabica coffee can open with completely different flavors. It was about the fifth or sixth century AD. No method has yet been invented for brewing and consuming ground and roasted coffee beans. But …

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чашка кофе доброе утро мы с Украины

A cup of coffee – good morning we are from Ukraine

A deliciously brewed, rich and fragrant cup of coffee will save even the most gloomy morning. But the answer to the question: “how to achieve the best taste?” does not always lie on the surface. We turned to a professional and put together the basic rules for choosing coffee in this article. The coffee beans we are used …

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кофе без кофеина

Decaffeinated coffee. What do you need to know?

Decaffeinated coffee is a product in which the latter, according to international standards, should be contained in an amount of not more than 0.3%. Caffeine-free coffee is sold in ground, in beans and even instant. Decaffeination (substance removal) is carried out by one of the technologies. A cup of coffee is both a morning ritual, a surge …

Decaffeinated coffee. What do you need to know? Read More »

чай с кардамоном

Tea with cardamom

The strong aroma and ginger flavor have led to the popularity of this spice – it is used both in cooking and as an additive to drinks. She was called the “queen of spices”, and the cost of natural seeds is quite high. In the article we will talk about black Indian and green tea with cardamom …

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Карпатский чай

Carpathian tea

The Carpathians are a unique corner of nature. This area is rich in medicinal and natural resources. The nature of the Carpathians is diverse, more than 2000 plants grow here. The healing air of this region, many springs with mineral waters nourish the plants, endowing them with natural strength and miraculous properties. Not surprisingly, most of the plants growing …

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чай кофе

Tea or coffee

The future in Ukraine belongs to spirituality: not in the worn-out sense of bondage, but in the sense of a conscious attitude to what we eat, drink, do, as we say. Tea in the form in which it is now is more suitable for such a context. Of course, when a barista quickly squeezes out an espresso …

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